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Showing posts from September, 2017

Obit: Your Life In 500 Words

The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time. - Mark Twain. This is not quote from this new documentary "Obit". A film that, to some degree, glamorizes the work of the obituary writers at the New York Times . By "glamorize", I don't mean "making it fashionable," but, rather, this film shows the alluring side of a job some would usually associate with a rather depressing, dark, sad character. It is not. At least that's what the characters - the real life reporters of the New York Times' obituary department are trying to convey to the audience throughout the film. According to them, their obituaries are more about "life" than "death," more about celebrating the lives of the deceased rather than talking about the end of it. Of course, while at a journalism school, not many writers to be would plan wishfully to be ending up writing about "deaths", but ...