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Showing posts from August, 2011

The Future: Life Shizophrenia All The Way

Do not let the name of the movie fool you - it's not a sci-fiction. But at moments I wish it was. The characters do engage in certain super-natural tricks to stop the time - like controlling ocean tides and moon. The cat in movie does talk. And a t-shirt - a safety blanket for a 'her' character - is capable to crawl. Described as a 'cute comedy', some of the film critics are too far from the reality to realize that there is nothing cute about this movie. It's a rather sad slow film that features a couple, who are far from normal. They are, actually, schizophrenic and I wish the audience did see the fact that what the characters say and do - can not be explained, but rather studied by the likes of Sigmund Freud and Nancy Andreasen - they are the perfect 'cases' for the psychiatrists to study.  Please watch the trailer before reading further, the review would make more sense to you then.

Friends with Benefits: Obvious Expectations and The End

The film "Friends with Benefits" , or FWB as we've been casually abbreviating the "relationship" that became a prominent part of the 21st Century ,ended up to be too predictable. It's the kind of movie that everyone knows in the first 5 min how it's gonna end - because, as most of us - adults, know - friends with benefits either do NOT work or they DO work. Friends with benefits either become strangers or they become - a couple. There is no perfect "middle", as much as many of you out there hope it to be. This "relationship" has become to exist in our vocabulary not long ago - most likely at the same time as the slogan "Make love, not war" was created.